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The world is currently undergoing a major tectonic shift. We are now in an era where changes and developments in technology and business models are occurring at a dramatic pace under the circumstances of a wave of sustainability, DX, and geopolitical risks. The chemical industry in particular is expected to solve many issues surrounding the global environment and contribute to carbon neutrality, and many companies, universities, engineers, and researchers are energetically working on technological development, seeing this as a great opportunity, but at the same time, the targets for solving issues are high and the way ahead is not yet clear. In addition to technology, the creation of various rules and their implementation on a global scale are also required to solve these issues.

It is precisely in situations such as these, where a number of factors are involved and change rapidly, that we feel that our experience and knowledge, which have been observing the situation over a long period of time and over a broad base, and sensing the differences, are becoming more and more useful.

Since its establishment in 1978, Sumika Technical Information Service, Inc. (STIS) has been researching, analyzing, and providing a wide range of information on technologies and businesses related to chemicals and materials. While making the most of our extensive experience and accumulation, we are constantly updating ourselves to meet the changing times and the changing needs of our customers. We believe that in a complex and rapidly changing environment, providing our clients with insight into the direction they should go based on reliable information will give them the energy they need to move forward.

We look forward to working with you and helping your business with information related to chemistry.

Representative Director & President Sekine Chizu